Looking for Some Blues?
We are proud to feature our local musicians and venues!
The MnBs makes no claims of accuracy of this list… things change often the blues world.
Armadillo Jump
Big George Jackson Blues Band
Bill Keyes
Boom Boom Steve V & the Knockouts
Brother Jon Band *
Cornbread Harris
Dee Miller Band *
Erin McCawley & Harrison Street Band*
Good Time Willy
The Gopher Tones*
Hotel Blue Band
Hunker’d Down Blues Band
Hurricane Harold*
Inside Straight Blues Band*
Jimmy Famous*
Johnny O & Filet O Soul
Joyann Parker
Lisa Wenger
Lowdown Dirty Fools*
Mark Cameron Band
Mojo Lemon Blues
Mr B at the B3 (R&B/Jazz)
The New Feral Cats
Nick Dinius Band
No Limits the B-Side
Papa John Kolstad*
Pat Hayes Band
Pat McLaughlin*
Paul Barry Blues*
Paul Mayasich*
Phil Kitze & the Resonators*
Rocko Bolero*
RD Olson Band
Scottie Miller Band*
Steve Clarke & the Working Stiffs*
Sweet Paulie T
The B-Listers
The Mojo Brothers
The Ross William Perry Band
The SoulMates
Wayne Hamilton
Willie B Blues Band
Willie Walker
*Member of MnBS
Message to Acts:
MnBS has a goal to support our musicians and acts by providing links to websites and social media. We would like to offer page visitors information regarding you, your style of blues as well as a picture.
Please use the button below to have your band added to this list or make changes to your information:
We will happily add a “Member of the MnBS” to your listing. Please use the join button to become a member or renew your membership.
The Gig Calendar!
An exciting feature of blues new calendar is the ability to submit from the front end!
We invite bands and venues to submit their own events. This feature is accessible from the Blues
Calendar itself. We do ask that you follow our format. We have a “Tockify Team” tasked with going
through each submission and approving it for publishing.
For more information, click on the “How To” Button.
Join the MnBS
How to Submit Your own Event
Musicians please update your information