The MnBS is guided by an elected board of directors. Each director serves a two year term and may choose to add their name to the ballot for continuing as a board member for more terms.
The election period is from November 15 to December 1, 2024.
Members of the MnBS are asked to vote for all or some of the listed candidates or may also choose to write in candidates. (Please be sure you have had communication with the person(s) you are writing in and that they are agreeable and willing to follow the policies of the MnBS and the BOD.)
Per MnBS Bylaws, only active members are allowed to vote. If you would like to renew your membership in order to vote, please follow this link:
Information on voting procedures was sent to all active members through email. The election ballot is on a secure password protected page of our website. If you did not receive the password email, please contact or and you will be sent the password as soon as possible.
Board members who have submitted their name for the two year term ending in 2026 are:
Sue Bujold
Deb Hills
Todd Huttner
Dan Schwalbe
Bill Whelan
Information about each candidate is available on our Meet the Board of Directors page.